NAOMI Installation
- Deus Ex GAME OF THE YEAR Edition (Or patch v1112fm)
- An installed copy of DXMTL152b1 NAOMI will not run without it
Locate your DeusEx directory
An often used location is in the root directory of your primary drive (usually C:)
Some common directories include: C:\DeusEx, C:\GOG Games\Deus Ex for GOG installs, or C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Deus Ex for Steam installs.
Locate your System directory
The System directory is in your DeusEx directory. (C:\DeusEx\System)
Copy the required files
Copy the files NAOMI.u, and NAOMI.ini to your System folder.
Modify your configuration file
In your config file (DeusEx.ini), find the section named [DeusEx.DeusExGameEngine]
Beneath this line, place the following text:
Then save and close the file.
That's all! The next time you start the server, NAOMI will take full effect.